Dear Friends of Untermyer Gardens,
Our first Spring Appeal last week was like a coiled spring that took off. We received over 100 donations the first day, followed by many more, all adding up to a welcome and substantial infusion of funds when they were dearly needed. Many thanks to all of you for responding so generously. The appeal is not yet closed if you would like to make a contribution.
Last week, I walked through the garden and marveled at the riotous sound of many chirping birds. I felt like I was in a tropical jungle. Our forest is big enough to see nothing but nature (even in winter) when looking across it. Thankfully it is quite still, so one has a feeling of being far away in the wilderness. Here is a sampling of what I heard and saw. Later I discovered that International Dawn Chorus Day celebrates birdsong every first Sunday in May.
Stephen F. Byrns
President, Untermyer Gardens Conservancy
P.S. Would you like to do Zumba virtually with Untermyer Gardens as a backdrop? Try this out….
P.P.S. I will be giving a webinar about Samuel Untermyer and his garden on May 12 at 5:30 pm, sponsored by the N.Y. Adventure Club. Here is the information.