Only five days remain before our annual Summer Solstice Sunset Soirée, this year celebrating the centennial of the completion of the garden in 1917. We expect this to be a banner occasion with delicious fare and cheerful company in one of America's greatest gardens. Won't you join us?
We're still well shy of Samuel Untermyer's sixty full-time gardeners, but we're making progress!
Each spring, the fastigiate beeches along the canals send out new shoots in a decidedly floppy manner. As we head into the prime growing time of the year, the shoots slowly assume their familiar upright pattern, hopefully in time for the gala. The floppy effect this year was quite pronounced -- one visitor suggested we administer Viagra to remedy the situation! Since we try to be as organic as possible, we have refrained, but stay tuned...
Stephen F. Byrns